Thursday, September 22, 2011

running something up the flagpole...

..gonna see if anyone salutes it. (12 Angry Men. anyone?)

here's what I have marinating... going to bounce this off a few of my peeps here and see if it floats.
I started this blog to document all of the delicious desserts that i love to eat and to share my recipes with the rest of the blogging world. Now while I can live on dessert alone, that guy I live with (you know, my hubster) cannot. that man likes his food. so I need to be a good wife and make it for him. Lucky for him, I happen to love to cook and I'm pretty great at. (i know, it's hard being me, isn't it?) But lately, I find myself coming up with more recipes that are savory, and not so sweet. Thus, I seem not be coming up with a ton of sweet-related things to blog about, which is a dilemma for a blog that has cupcakes in the title.

Here's what inspired this: I made a black bean soup the other night that was so damn good, I wanted to shout the recipe from the roof of my house. And I thought, "I really want to blog about this soup. it's too tasty NOT to blog about. can I do that? there were no cupcakes in it."

So here am I... wondering....despite this being a dessert only blog...can I make the transition? Adding the occasional food post (like, real food) in addition to blogging about desserts? This feels like when Selena crossed over from Tejano to mainstream.

here's the soup, by the way. It looks a little offputting because I ran half of it through the food processor and well, ground up black beans just ain't pretty. But hey, what can you do?

I also took this picture on my Blackberry, which is actually just Satan disguised in the form of a mobile device. i used this recipe, and instead of 10 slices of bacon (which is aggressive, even for me), I used three slices of pork roll chopped up. it was delicious. Bill told me so at least five or six times. I love that guy.

so back to question at hand.... what are your thoughts about making this a crossover blog? (staying with the Selena theme here. Como la Flor!!!!)

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